Sakura Nakayama
Starting out as a hobby, photography quickly became a life force for Sakura Nakayama (Japan). After receiving a film camera from her grandmother, the artist began to document the lives of people she met and saw during her time in Tokyo.
With a particular focus on capturing the people’s struggles, Nakayama found beauty within the chaos of this pain. Recognizing herself as one of the many strugglers that were the subject of her work, photography became vital to her well- being. It allowed her to continue expressing herself, even if she is losing sight of her own path in life, and provided a sense of belonging.
The photographs exhibited at UNKnowN Gallery portray the artist’s daily life in Tokyo over the past few years. Through her work, Nakayama looks back at the past decade of her life, bringing moments of the past into the present by means of capturing them on camera. The artist fuses the past moments featured in the photographs with their present presentation as a way of stating her determination to continue taking photographs, thus bringing in echoes of the future.
Above all, Nakayama invites the viewers to create their own connections and echoes through her work as a means of easing the pain of struggling to exist in the modern world.
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